Author Spotlight

Hank Kohler

What’s your genre?

Are you published?
I am published by a traditional publisher

What inspired you to become a writer?
I have written a couple of stories that the Iowa Outdoors magazine published. I hadn’t planned on doing a book but the hundreds of people that followed my One4Water adventure on Facebook asked if I would write about the journey so that they could relive it.

What author do you admire and how have they inspired your writing?
I very much admire Barry Lopez and his book Arctic Dreams. As I was reading it, I realized that I shared many of his thoughts about our planet and its future. I quote him in One4Water.

Name three of your favorite books and their authors
The Overstory by Richard Powers
Into the Kingdom of Ice by Hampton Sides
Arctic Dreams by Barry Lopez

What’s one thing readers should know about you?
I’m a storyteller not a scientist. So many others know much more about our land, waters and living things, but I would guess I’m their equal when it comes to appreciation and concern.

What’s one piece of advice you would give a budding writer?
Dream, Plan, Do!  Don’t put it off. Find a trusted publisher and get it going!

Author bio
Hank Kohler, born in 1952, grew up on a family farm in northwest Iowa. He has a degree in Education from the University of Northern Iowa but became a restaurant owner—not a teacher—during his working years. Mr. Kohler enjoys spending as much time as possible on lakes and rivers and was the recipient of the 2016 Olav Smedal Conservation Award sponsored by the Ames, Iowa Chapter of the Izaak Walton League. He has written two stories published by Iowa Outdoors. “Rocks in the River” and “The Ice Shack”. Mr. Kohler lives in Ames with his wife Anne. They have three children: a son Andy and daughters Robyn and Kerry. One4water is the author’s first book. Visit Hank here.