Words Meet Art

Words Meet Art is a literary arts event celebrating the intersection of words and art, which is referred to as ekphrastic response. Ekphrastic work combines vivid description by a writer of a piece of art, essentially representing a “painting in words.”

During our Words Meet Art events, writers write prose, memoir or poetry in response to an exhibit of artwork or photography.

Sometimes we just write in a group and read our work out loud to one another. Other times we hold public events where writing is performed for an audience.

In the past we have held spoken word and writing events at the Octagon Center for the Arts in Ames, Iowa and the Christian Petersen Art Museum at Iowa State University.

Click here to learn about our upcoming Words Meet Art events this fall (September 13th 6:30 to 8:30 PM and September 14th from 2 to 4 PM)