Fifth Street Writers

Coming Soon!

Fifth Street Writers is a members-only co-working space, meant exclusively for writers.

The atmosphere at Fifth Street is quiet (we even have a no-phone-call rule), and you won’t feel nervous leaving your computer on your café table when you get up to refill your coffee or stretch your legs. No glaring baristas suggesting with their glances that it’s time to leave.

Fifth Street Writers is about community where we encourage writers to gather around a big table each day at 12:30 pm for lunch (bring your own) and conversation.

We offer Wi-Fi, monthly member Happy Hours, and bi-monthly member readings open to guests and the public, and individual-driven craft groups that schedule their own meetings. Fifth Street members have the opportunity to GET INVOLVED with our literary community and to give back to our community at large. Such engagement includes:

  • Attend a bi-monthly planning meeting to contribute to our mission
  • Contribute to “Fifth Street Writers Recommends” on social media
  • Maintain the Ames Writers Collective Little Free Library and our Writers’ Resource Library
  • Qualified writers may lead community Open Writes and Generative Writes to engage more writers and attract members

Members are given access to the Fifth Street online platform to interact with one another, to create writing groups, and to share personal publishing “good news” and community announcements.

The staff of Fifth Street personally meets with every prospective member to ensure they’re a good fit for our congenial and supportive working environment.

Fifth Street Writers is sponsored by the Ames Writers Collective.

Join Fifth Street Writers NOW!